
FAQ: What does iCloud sync entail? Do I need it?

iCloud sync in TypeIt4Me enables you to store your abbreviations and snippets in iCloud for sharing with multiple Macs as well as any iPhones or iPads running the related TypeIt4Me Touch notepad app for iOS and iPadOS. Newly created snippets or changes saved on one Mac or iOS device will be reflected in TypeIt4Me and TypeIt4Me Touch on all the others connected to the same iCloud account. If you only use one Mac and no iPhones or iPads, then there is no added benefit and you don’t really need to use iCloud.

An important note: iCloud has not always been the same thing as iCloud Drive. TypeIt4Me snippets stored in iCloud Drive by TypeIt4Me 5.5.x will not be synced with the TypeIt4Me Touch iOS app. Only snippets stored in iCloud using TypeIt4Me 6.x.x or the Mac App Store version of TypeIt4Me will be synced with the iOS app. You may need to update your software if you want to sync your Mac and iOS snippets.

FAQ: If I want to sync my Mac TypeIt4Me snippets with TypeIt4Me Touch via iCloud, do I have to buy TypeIt4Me from the Mac App Store ?

No. This used to be the case if you wanted automatic syncing of your snippets between your Mac and the TypeIt4Me Touch iOS app on your iPhone or iPad. Until quite recently Apple would only permit apps sold through its Mac App Store to offer iCloud sync, so the “direct sale” TypeIt4Me available from our website couldn’t sync with the TypeIt4Me Touch iOS app. That restriction no longer applies, so TypeIt4Me 6.x.x can now sync snippets via iCloud both with other Macs and with TypeIt4Me Touch for iOS.

FAQ: I’m having trouble saving snippet sets in iCloud. Little help?

If you’re using TypeIt4Me 6.x.x or the Mac App Store version of TypeIt4Me on macOS 13 (Ventura) or newer:

Go to System Settings > Apple ID > iCloud and make sure you are signed in to your account. Click on iCloud then iCloud Drive and make sure the “Sync this Mac” switch is toggled on. If that switch is already toggled on, click on “Apps syncing to iCloud Drive” then scroll through the list of apps and make sure TypeIt4Me is listed there and that its switch is toggled on.

Go back to the TypeIt4Me app window and either click on the + button to the bottom right of the “Sets in iCloud Drive” pane to create a new set, or drag a set across from the “Sets on this Mac” pane to move it to iCloud.

If you’re using TypeIt4Me 6.x.x or the Mac App Store version of TypeIt4Me on macOS 12 (Monterey) or older:

Go to System Preferences > iCloud and make sure you are signed in to your account. Also check that you have iCloud ‘Documents’ enabled in your iCloud Drive system preferences: click on the Options… button next to iCloud Drive, then in the Documents tab that comes up, make sure the checkbox next to TypeIt4Me is ticked.

Go back to the TypeIt4Me app window and either click on the + button to the bottom right of the “Sets in iCloud Drive” pane to create a new set, or drag a set across from the “Sets on this Mac” pane to move it to iCloud.

If you’re using TypeIt4Me 5.5.x:

Go to System Preferences > iCloud and make sure you are logged in to your account. Then in TypeIt4Me, either click on the + button to the bottom right of the “Sets in iCloud Drive” pane to create a new set, or drag a set across from the “Sets on this Mac” pane to move it to iCloud.