Firefox bug affecting TypeIt4Me and all text expanders fixed

A bug in Firefox can prevent any text expander, including TypeIt4Me, from observing keyboard input because “Secure Event Input” is enabled when a user enters a password but not always disabled when leaving the password field. This bug was reported back in April 2010 and the Mozilla team have now…

TypeIt4Me is an Apple Staff Favourite. Now only $19.99.

Good news, everyone: in the wake of an unprecedented surge in sales of TypeIt4Me, we’ve reviewed our pricing model and decided to permanently lower prices across the board – with the cost of a standard single user licence dropping from $27 to just $19.99. We feel this’ll prove to be…
Mac Apps, TypeIt4Me

Lifehacker declares TypeIt4Me the winner

One of our customers has just kindly brought it to our attention that the good folk at Lifehacker have published a pretty comprehensive rundown of all the main text expansion apps currently available for the Mac. They looked at TypeIt4Me, Snippets, TextExpander and Typinator, comparing the pros and cons of…
Mac Apps, TypeIt4Me