On Subscriptiongate and other matters.

It’s been an eventful week. Over the last 7 days Smile Software’s recent controversial decision to migrate to a cloud & subscription-based model for TextExpander has been creating waves, to put it mildly. We had initially planned to just keep our heads down and our mouths shut, but our inbox is…
Mac Apps, TypeIt4Me

How to import TextExpander snippets into TypeIt4Me

Today there have been a few people asking us how to port their snippets from TextExpander to TypeIt4Me. For the benefit of any of you who may be flirting with the idea of switching, here’s a quick primer explaining how to go about opening your TextExpander snippets in TypeIt4Me. Open TextExpander…
Mac Apps, TypeIt4Me

TypeIt4Me 5.4.0 and 5.4.0i released today.

Happy Friday, one and all. We hope your 2015 got off to a flying start and that the new year will continue to be a healthy, prosperous one for you and yours. We’ve good tidings to impart: as some of our hawk-eyed customers have already noticed, there is a Mac…
Mac Apps, TypeIt4Me