Summer is Coming

Hey, everyone.

It’s been a little while, already, hasn’t it? Somehow, time has flown past and the clouds have even parted to allow some sporadic sunshine through here in the UK. No, really! Anyway, we’ll keep this short, given that everyone is probably glued to the WWDC live stream right about now, hoping for a glimpse of Apple’s forthcoming face-mounted reality distortion field.

You may remember a while back we mentioned a hefty project that we hoped would be ready to share with you before long. Well, regretfully, we’ve had a few setbacks in the interim that have hampered development somewhat.

Due to events outside of our control – compounded by the occasional self-inflicted pain point we probably should have anticipated – we’re still not ready to take the wraps off The Thing We’re Working On. It’s mostly done, but not quite there just yet…and, uh, who would be so reckless as to buckle under pressure and rush something ambitious but half-baked out into the wild?