Introducing SpeakMyTunes. A free song announcer for iTunes.

Good news, everyone! We’re pleased to introduce our new Mac freeware offering: SpeakMyTunes. This latest addition to the Ettore Software product lineup is a song announcer for iTunes. It can read out loud the title of the song currently playing in iTunes, then cheerfully inform you who’s performing it and…
Mac Apps, SpeakMyTunes

TypeIt4Me 5.1 (44) Released Today

Select Check for updates from the TypeIt4Me menu. If you purchased TypeIt4Me from the Mac App Store, the new version will show up in your updates list in a week or so, once Apple approves it. New or changed features: Added Show Duplicates. Added warning when pasting clippings (cmd-v) would…
Mac Apps, TypeIt4Me

TypeIt4Me is an Apple Staff Favourite. Now only $19.99.

Good news, everyone: in the wake of an unprecedented surge in sales of TypeIt4Me, we’ve reviewed our pricing model and decided to permanently lower prices across the board – with the cost of a standard single user licence dropping from $27 to just $19.99. We feel this’ll prove to be…
Mac Apps, TypeIt4Me