Sounds4Fun 1.1.1 released

Coming 24 hours or so after the 1.1 released on November 14, this .1 update fixes a number of minor bugs reported by users. If you find more or simply have suggestions for further improvements, please leave a comment here or email
Mac Apps, Sounds4Fun

Sounds4Fun 1.1 now available

Just when you thought it might never happen, we’re pleased to bring you a brand new version of Sounds4Fun with some added features and a couple of bugfixes. New features: Three new events have been added: cmd-X, cmd-C and cmd-V. Note that these work by watching you type the commands…
Mac Apps, Sounds4Fun

Et oui…le nouveau Mactylo est enfin arrivé !

We’re pleased to announce that we’ve just put the finishing touches on the French localization of TypeIt4Me – or Mactylo as it’s known on the other side of La Manche – which will be available for download today. The good news doesn’t end there; our Spanish-speaking friends can look forward…
Mac Apps, TypeIt4Me