Howdy folks, we’re just poking our heads over the parapet to bring you news that TypeIt4Me 5.2 is out today. This update is free if you paid for a full or upgraded licence after 1 January 2010 – so if you’ve already given us some of your hard earned dosh at some point in the last 18 months, you’re good to go. Otherwise you’ll need to stump up a modest US$8.99 if you want to benefit from the latest features. Can’t say fairer than that, can we?
New or changed features in TypeIt4Me 5.2:
- We’ve added a spiffy new Date / Time Math function that will expand a date abbreviation of your choosing to a calculated-on-the-fly date and / or time in the future. Or in the past, for that matter… It’s better than a flux capacitor, really. Great Scott!
- There’s a new way to issue a SHIFT-TAB (which can move the cursor to a cell to the left in a table or to a previous field in a form).
- As requested by one of our customers, we’ve introduced another ‘hidden’ option. It tells TypeIt4Me not to use just the first four characters of what you’ve copied to the clipboard as a default suggestion when proposing an abbreviation in Add a Clipping:
defaults write com.typeit4me.TypeIt4MeMenu shortenProposedAbb -bool NO
For now, the above command needs to be copied and pasted – or typed – in Terminal as the option is not currently included in TypeIt4Me’s preferences screen. If this feature proves popular we will look into making it more user friendly in a future release. If you try it and decide you don’t like it, you can revert to normal by firing up Terminal again and entering the following line:
defaults write com.typeit4me.TypeIt4MeMenu shortenProposedAbb -bool YES