FAQ: Where are TypeIt4Me snippet sets stored? I want to make manual backup copies / transfer snippets to a new Mac.
TypeIt4Me snippet sets are data files that end with a .typeit4me extension. There are a couple of ways to access them in Finder.
In TypeIt4Me versions 5.4.5 – 6.x.x, local “Sets on this Mac” are stored in a subdirectory inside your user library, which Apple hides by default.
To reveal your user library and get to your TypeIt4Me snippet sets:
- Click on Go in your Finder menu bar.
- With the Go menu open, hold down the option key on your keyboard.
- Click on Library when it appears in the menu.
- In the Finder window that opens, navigate to Application Support > TypeIt4Me > Sets
In TypeIt4Me versions 5.4.5 – 6.2.2 iCloud TypeIt4Me snippet sets are stored locally at
‘[yourusername]/Library/Mobile Documents/TypeIt4Me’.
Sets synced via Dropbox and Google Drive will typically be in a folder named TypeIt4Me at the top level of your Dropbox / Google Drive folder. That is, unless you specified they should be saved in a different location of your own choosing.
Make backups of your TypeIt4Me snippet sets
If you want to manually make backup copies of your files, there is a useful shortcut for getting straight to a set file in Finder. Select it in the list of TypeIt4Me snippet sets then click once on its name where it appears at the top left of the main TypeIt4Me window, e.g. click on the word Examples where you see “Active Set: Examples (24 snippets)”.
Alternatively, if you have Time Machine set to back up the full contents of your Mac user account, you can use Time Machine to restore TypeIt4Me sets like you would any other files. Once again, the files are stored in your user library, which Apple hides by default. To restore from Time Machine:
- Connect your external backup drive / Time Capsule
- Click on Go in the Finder menu bar.
- Hold down the option key.
- Click on Library when it appears in the menu.
- In the window that opens, go to Application Support > TypeIt4Me > Sets
- Launch Time Machine
- Navigate to the most recent backup of the Sets folder(s) you want and restore.
Transfer your TypeIt4Me snippets to a new Mac
Copying your snippets to a new Mac is pretty straightforward. Once you’ve located your .typeit4me file(s) you can email or AirDrop them to another Mac. Once copied over, double-click to import them straight into TypeIt4Me. They will automatically be moved to your user library.
Using an older TypeIt4Me version?
The above covers TypeIt4Me 5.4.5 – 6.x.x. Older versions of TypeIt4Me allow you to save your files anywhere you like on your Mac. If you’re still using version 5.4 or an even older version and you’ve forgotten where you chose to save your clippings file, hover your mouse over its name in the pulldown menu at the top left of the app window to reveal the path to your file in a tooltip. Alternatively, you could perform a Finder search for files ending with the extension .typeit4me and locate it that way.