How do I install TypeIt4Me?
First download the TypeIt4Me installer DMG. Once downloaded, double-click the DMG to open the installer. Read and agree to the End User Licence Agreement (EULA). When the window pictured here opens, drag the TypeIt4Me icon across to the Applications folder alias to install the app. Then unmount (eject) the DMG, go to your Applications folder and launch TypeIt4Me from there.

Where do I need to enter my details to license TypeIt4Me?
TypeIt4Me is distributed as a free download so that people can try it out first before committing to buy it. It will run in 30-day limited trial mode until you paste in your purchased licence code to register it and let it know you’re a paid-up user. To do that and remove the restrictions, open the main TypeIt4Me app window and click on the “License” button at the top, as shown here.

When you click “License” a registration sheet will open. At the top you’ll see a message thanking you for using TypeIt4Me and detailing exactly how long it’s been since you first launched the app. Underneath that is where you need to paste in the user name and licence code that you received in your redemption email. It’s important that you paste your details in carefully, exactly as they were supplied, with no extra blank spaces and no changes to capitalisation.

When you’ve pasted in your details, click the “Register” button to save them. If you’ve entered them correctly, a small “Thank you” window will open. Click “OK” to dismiss that and you’re all set. TypeIt4Me is no longer in time limited demo mode and the version you purchased is yours to keep forever.
How do I grant TypeIt4Me permission to expand my typed abbreviations?
When you first launch TypeIt4Me it will ask you for permission to control your computer using accessibility services. This is required so that it can expand your abbreviations when you type them. Follow these steps to ensure that TypeIt4Me has the permission it needs to do its job.
On macOS 13 Ventura:
1: Open System Preferences
2: Click Privacy & Security
3: On the right, scroll down and click on Accessibility
4: On the Accessibility screen, underneath the heading that says “Allow the apps below to control your computer”, locate TypeIt4Me in the list and make sure its toggle is switched on.

On macOS 12 and older systems:
1: Open System Preferences
2: Click Security & Privacy
3: Click on the Privacy tab
4: Click on the Accessibility section in the column on the left
5: Click the padlock button in the bottom left-hand corner and enter your administrator password if required
6: Over on the right where it says “Allow the apps below to control your computer”, locate TypeIt4Me in the list and make sure its checkbox is ticked.