New website

We’ve been very busy getting a new website together and it’s almost ready. It’s still very much a work in progress, but we hope you’ll agree it’s an improvement on the previous incarnation. We’re working hard to bring you screencasts, tutorials and a whole lot of new goodies. Please bear…

TapIt4Me now works with iPhone 3.0

TapIt4Me 1.1.1 has been tested and is fully compatible with the new iPhone 3.0 software release. It’s in the app store now as a free update. Apologies for those of you who had trouble with the previous version.
iOS Apps, TapIt4Me

Big Ben Birthday Bonanza!

One of London’s most famous attractions, Big Ben, is celebrating 150 years of keeping time. To celebrate this milestone birthday, our Big Ben iPhone app will be available free of charge in the iTunes App Store for the next 48 hours. Get it while you can!
Big Ben, iOS Apps