Happy New Year!

We made it, guys! We’re in 2018 and we’re still in one piece! Hope you all had a good time last night and that your heads aren’t too sore today. This is just a quick note to say thank you to everyone who has already scooped up a TypeIt4Me 6.0…

TypeIt4Me 6.0 is now available.

Hello again, good people of the macOSphere. The big day is finally at hand. TypeIt4Me 6.0 is at last available for everyone to download. Beyond the customary code tune-up, cosmetic tweaks and performance improvements, this major version release brings a number of heavily requested new features and user interface refinements.…

End of 2017: State of the Update

Season’s greetings! It’s been…quite a year, hasn’t it? Who knew that compulsively scanning the rolling TV news chyrons for signs of an imminent global thermonuclear conflict would prove to be such an exhausting habit? Existential dread aside, we thought we’d take a minute to let you know that we’re still…